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The True Story Of The Tv Star And His Oddball Chimp

WEB of behaviour unusual and strange

The true story of the TV star and his oddball chimp

How this unlikely friendship changed the lives of both man and animal

In the annals of television history, there are few stories as strange and compelling as that of Michael Landon and his pet chimpanzee, Jethro. Landon, best known for his starring role in the long-running Western series Bonanza, was a man of many talents and interests. But it was his unusual friendship with Jethro that would ultimately define his life.

Landon first met Jethro in 1964, when the chimpanzee was just a baby. The two quickly bonded, and Jethro soon became a fixture on the set of Bonanza. The chimpanzee would often sit on Landon's lap while he read scripts, and he would even accompany Landon to interviews and public appearances.

Landon's friendship with Jethro was not without its critics. Some people questioned the wisdom of keeping a wild animal as a pet. Others were simply jealous of the close bond between the two. But Landon never wavered in his love for Jethro. He believed that the chimpanzee was a sentient being who deserved to be treated with respect and compassion.

Landon's relationship with Jethro taught him a great deal about himself and about the nature of friendship. He learned that true friendship is not based on appearances or social conventions. It is based on mutual respect, understanding, and love.
